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AA Dog Rescue are Leading the pack by oxygenating their dogs!

AA Dog Rescue Centre and OxyPet are working together to improve animal welfare and care. AA Dog Rescue have rescued over 10,000 dogs and provide 40 suitable new homes with loving pet parents every month. Over the course of their journey, they have vast experience in providing the best possible rescue care for these beloved animals.

OxyPet uses a revolutionary technology that is clinically proven to oxygenate spring water with nano-particle oxygen more than 700% than that of tap or bottled water, improving blood flow a 54% faster rate of absorption.

"Within just six days of using OxyPet's oxygenated water, one of our dogs, Bonita, experienced a complete transformation. We had tried countless remedies before, but nothing seemed to work for her. To our amazement, this natural and safe solution brought her back to life. We couldn't be happier that we can now offer the dogs in our care, a preventative and natural health solution by giving them OxyPet's oxygenated spring water. Join us in providing your furry friends with the best care possible and see the amazing results for yourself!" Charley Nathan, Founder AA Dog Rescue

“We are dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all animals as best as we can naturally. It gives us great pleasure to be working with AA Dog Rescue by providing their animals with more oxygen and cleaner hydration.

By providing the animals with more bio-available oxygen through drinking OxyPet, this will improve blood flow and that is when the animal's body takes over to strengthen the immune system and all health begins to improves.” Lindsey Taylor Co-Founder OxyPet.


AA Dogs patrons include Lord Martyn Rose, Vicki Michelle MBE, & Nicky Stevens to name a few. Together both organisations are making a difference to these animals who dearly need ongoing support and care.

Studies have shown that oxygenated water can enhance dogs' vitality and improve their overall health, from boosting their immune system to reducing the effects of anxiety and depression.

You can see from one of AA Dogs Case study on Bonita in the video below, the amazing transformation after just 6 days on OxyPet.


How do I get involved to make a difference? 

Join us in making a difference in the lives of rescue dogs today. You can make a product donation which will provide life-giving oxygen water to those in need, and together we can make a lasting impact on the rescue dog community. 


By joining us on this mission to improve animal life, you'll not only support your own animals with the best care possible but also make a significant impact on the lives of AA Rescue dogs. 

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” – Gandhi

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OxyPet brings you a unique opportunity to provide your furry friends with the essential oxygen they need while also giving back to the rescue dog community.

For every 90-Day Pet Health Transformation Pack you purchase OxyPet will generously supply one case of oxygen water to AA Rescue dogs. But that's not all! For every case sold on subscription, OxyPet will also donate £1 to support the rescue dogs' health and well-being.


And if you would like to go a step further and make a significant donation to help the dogs in care at AA dog rescue, you can also purchase & donate Half and Full Pallets of OxyPet Oxygen Water!


By joining us on this mission, you'll be contributing to a greater cause and making a positive impact on the lives of rescue dogs in need. Give your furry friends the gift of health and happiness while also supporting a good cause.


Don't wait any longer, join us today and help transform lives, one drop at a time!"

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